Duolingo for Hebrew

10 Tips You Need Before Starting:

Having downloaded Duolingo for Hebrew learning might be a great step in the right direction, but it could also be a tool to procrastinate so much. 

The app being that available in your pocket has it’s perks, but it can also make you feel like you can always get to it later; which might never happen.

Here are 10 tips of how to maximize the benefit of Duolingo for Hebrew learning 

  1. Set Clear Goals: You can’t expect water to do wine’s job. Duolingo is a great learning tool, but your goal with it should always remain the same: Break through the “absolute beginner” stage and become an educated beginner.

  2. Daily Dose of Hebrew: You LITERALLY need to set an alarm for one portion of the day to learn Hebrew with Duolingo. Dedicate a small portion of your day to Duolingo. The app’s bite-sized lessons are perfect for daily practice, ensuring steady progress over time. 

  3. Understand the Course Structure: Try to get educated a little bit on how the course works. This doesn’t only apply to Duolingo, but to all other Hebrew courses you might take down the road. You will find that each Hebrew course has this distinctive personality. Understanding the roadmap will give you a sense of accomplishment as you advance.

  4. Leverage Audio Features: Hebrew pronunciation can be tricky. Take advantage of Duolingo’s audio features to listen to native speakers and practice your pronunciation. Repetition is key to mastering the unique sounds of Hebrew.

  5. Strengthen Skills Regularly: Use the “Strengthen Skills” feature to revisit and reinforce what you’ve learned. Regularly refreshing your knowledge of previous lessons helps solidify your understanding. But do NOT get stuck there.

  6. Embrace Gamification: Duolingo incorporates gamified elements like streaks and rewards. Embrace the game-like atmosphere to make your learning experience more enjoyable and maintain a consistent practice routine.

  7. Do NOT Dive into Grammar: If you are someone who likes to understand how grammar works and you actually enjoy it, please steer clear from any Hebrew grammar at this point of learning.

  8. Explore Cultural Insights: Take the time to read Duolingo’s cultural notes within each lesson. Understanding the cultural context behind the language will deepen your appreciation for Hebrew expressions and traditions.

  9. Connect with the Community: Join Duolingo’s Hebrew learning community. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and share your progress. Connecting with fellow learners can provide valuable insights and motivation.

  10. Track and Celebrate Progress: Duolingo offers a progress dashboard. Regularly review your achievements, celebrate milestones, and acknowledge areas for improvement. Tracking your progress boosts confidence and keeps you motivated on your language-learning journey.

Embark on your Hebrew-learning adventure with these 10 tips, and let Duolingo be your guide. Consistency, curiosity, and a bit of gamified fun will pave the way to mastering the beautiful language of Hebrew. Enjoy the process and savor the satisfaction of expanding your linguistic horizons

learn hebrew

Author: Trey

While working on my Bachelor Degree of Arts in Hebrew language, I realized how far apart today's spoken Hebrew is from the Hebrew you study in your tradition school. After my search for an online Hebrew dictionary that provided modern-day vocabulary with pronunciation was in vain, I decided to start this one in 2013 with my then- life partner, Adam. Today, some of the words here are pronounced by native speakers I hired, some pronounced by me, some by my native-speaking ex and some by colleagues at the university. We haven't been able to get everything recorded, but we hope we have covered most of what you are looking for. If there is a word that you suggest inclusion, please write me.