Finding Time to Learn Hebrew: A Guide to Free Methods for Everybody

Learning a new language is an exciting journey, and for many, mastering Hebrew is a goal worth pursuing. In this guide, we’ll explore practical tips for finding time to learn Hebrew, focusing on free methods that cater to everyone. Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or someone with a passion for languages, these informal and educating strategies will help you embark on your Hebrew language learning adventure.

1. Incorporating Learning into Your Schedule

a. Utilizing Downtime

One of the challenges of learning a language is finding time in a busy schedule. We’ll discuss how to make the most of your downtime, such as commuting, waiting in lines, or during short breaks.

b. Integrating with Daily Activities

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Hebrew learning into your daily routine, from listening to podcasts while exercising to labeling items around your house in Hebrew.

2. Free Learning Resources for Everybody

a. Online Platforms and Apps

Explore a variety of free language learning platforms and mobile apps that cater to all levels of learners. From interactive exercises to vocabulary-building games, these resources make learning Hebrew accessible to everyone.

b. Community Learning

Discover the power of language exchange and community learning. Engage with online forums, language exchange partners, and social media groups to practice Hebrew with fellow learners.

3. Making the Most of Your iPhone Calendar

a. Setting Regular Learning Sessions

Utilize your iPhone calendar to schedule regular Hebrew learning sessions. Consistency is key, and incorporating learning into your calendar helps establish a routine.

b. Setting Reminders

Learn how to set reminders for quick language learning exercises throughout the day. Small, frequent reminders can make a significant impact on your language proficiency.

4. Informal and Educating Approaches

a. Immersive Learning

Explore immersive learning techniques that involve incorporating Hebrew into your daily conversations, even if they are brief. This approach fosters a natural and informal learning environment.

b. Cultural Integration

Learn about the culture associated with the language. Watching Hebrew movies, listening to Israeli music, or exploring Hebrew literature can enhance your understanding and make the learning process more enjoyable.


Embarking on a journey to learn Hebrew doesn’t have to be daunting. By finding time in your schedule, focusing on free methods, and incorporating informal and educating approaches, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the Hebrew language. Utilize your iPhone calendar as a powerful tool to stay organized and committed to your language learning goals.

Remember, the key is consistency and enjoying the process. Happy learning!

learn hebrew

Author: Trey

While working on my Bachelor Degree of Arts in Hebrew language, I realized how far apart today's spoken Hebrew is from the Hebrew you study in your tradition school. After my search for an online Hebrew dictionary that provided modern-day vocabulary with pronunciation was in vain, I decided to start this one in 2013 with my then- life partner, Adam. Today, some of the words here are pronounced by native speakers I hired, some pronounced by me, some by my native-speaking ex and some by colleagues at the university. We haven't been able to get everything recorded, but we hope we have covered most of what you are looking for. If there is a word that you suggest inclusion, please write me.