Learn Hebrew for Beginners. Online for Free

Learning a new language can be a thrilling adventure, and if you’re starting with Hebrew, you’re in for a rewarding experience. With the abundance of online resources, especially on platforms like Duolingo, mastering the basics of Hebrew has never been more accessible. Here are 10 easy steps to make the most of online platforms and other free resources as a beginner, proving that learning Hebrew is not only doable but also an enjoyable process.

1. Begin with Duolingo:

Duolingo is a fantastic starting point for beginners. Its gamified approach keeps learning engaging and fun. Start with the basics, learning the Hebrew alphabet and common phrases to build a solid foundation.

2. Consistency is Key:

Dedicate a few minutes each day to practice on Duolingo. Consistency is crucial for language acquisition, and short, regular sessions will help reinforce what you’ve learned.

3. Supplement with Memrise:

Pair Duolingo with Memrise to expand your vocabulary. Memrise offers a variety of Hebrew courses, focusing on words and phrases that are practical for everyday conversations.

4. Watch Educational Videos:

Explore YouTube for Hebrew lessons specifically tailored for beginners. Channels like “HebrewPod101” provide video lessons covering pronunciation, grammar, and cultural insights.

5. Immerse Yourself in the Language:

Change your phone or social media settings to Hebrew. This constant exposure will help familiarize you with the language and improve your recognition of common words and phrases.

6. Participate in Language Challenges:

Many online platforms, including Duolingo, host language challenges. Participate in these challenges to stay motivated and track your progress alongside a community of learners.

7. Explore OpenCourseWare:

Universities like MIT offer free Hebrew courses through OpenCourseWare. These courses cover a range of topics, providing a more in-depth understanding of the language.

8. Join Language Exchange Platforms:

Platforms like Tandem and HelloTalk connect language learners with native speakers. Engaging in conversations with native Hebrew speakers will enhance your practical language skills.

9. Practice with Flashcards:

Use flashcard apps like Anki or Quizlet to reinforce vocabulary. Create your own flashcards or find existing Hebrew decks to practice words and phrases on the go.

10. Celebrate Your Progress:

Track your achievements on Duolingo and other platforms. Celebrate milestones, no matter how small, to stay motivated and recognize the progress you’ve made.

In conclusion, learning Hebrew as a beginner is not only achievable but also enjoyable. Online platforms like Duolingo, supplemented with additional resources, provide a well-rounded and accessible approach to language learning. Embrace the journey, stay consistent, and revel in the excitement of acquiring a new language. Happy learning!

learn hebrew

Author: Trey

While working on my Bachelor Degree of Arts in Hebrew language, I realized how far apart today's spoken Hebrew is from the Hebrew you study in your tradition school. After my search for an online Hebrew dictionary that provided modern-day vocabulary with pronunciation was in vain, I decided to start this one in 2013 with my then- life partner, Adam. Today, some of the words here are pronounced by native speakers I hired, some pronounced by me, some by my native-speaking ex and some by colleagues at the university. We haven't been able to get everything recorded, but we hope we have covered most of what you are looking for. If there is a word that you suggest inclusion, please write me.